Unconditional Love

Hello everyone, welcome to Mise en scene lifestyle blog.
I can not believe we are already in February, where's January gone?

Oh February.... the LOVE month. I've been thinking about love, not the romantic type, just love pure and simple. I came across this quote " We have all hurt someone tremendously, whether by intent or accident. We have all loved someone tremendously, whether by intent or accident. It is an intrinsic human trait, and a deep responsibility, I think, to be a organ and a blade. But, learning to forgive ourselves and others because we have not chosen wisely is what makes us most human. We make horrible mistakes. It's how we learn. we breathe love. It's how we learn. And it is inevitable" Nayyirah Waheed .

 I particularly like the sentence "We breathe love", but many times we don't love ourselves enough. Right after my separation from my husband I felt very lost, afraid, angry, with no sense of direction or identity. I was so confused... and shocked. What happened , why did it happened and why me? My anger was  specially directed to me. How could I not known that I was in a abusive relationship? I didn't know what to do, or how to act. I read every thing on the subject and came across the most touching book on this matter. One of the chapters in this book was called " The Constant", if like me you are recovering from an emotionally abusive relationship whether from a narcissist, sociopath or any toxic people I hope that what you are about to read next will help you as it helped me.

A year and half ago, my levels of anxiety were so high that I could not sleep, I felt constantly on edge and worried sick. I didn't trust myself anymore, after all, my gut feeling has failed me. I no longer trusted people with my emotions or with my heart. I had a smile constantly plastered on my face, while inside I was so broken. I desperately needed something or someone to guide me, that's when I came across this passage " So this is where I'd like to introduce the idea of a constant. " ..." Think of someone you love. Someone who consistently inspires and never disappoints. It could be anyone-your mom, a close friend, a forum member, your children, your cat, a deceased relative. Really anyone."

Your Constant will help you filter the toxic people, the people that will make you feel bad, because your Constant will bring the best in you, you will gradually become more confident in your judgment. When I come across someone who make's me feel uncomfortable, I always ask myself, "Would my Constant make me feel this way?" and just like that I know the answer. I's a slow process, but eventually you'll get there.

My constant is my daughter Tatiana, she was a constant reminder that I wasn't crazy that I wasn't alone. so there you have it, unconditional love, not the type of love that you buy from the shops and it's only celebrated once a year. This is the forever type of love pure and simple.  We breathe love. It's how we learn.

Passages from the books- Psychopath free by Peace

Outfit: dress, H&M (old); Boots, Primark (0ld)

Thank you for reading and I hope you like the photos.

Photos: Tatiana-Brito Khan


  1. Absolutely beautiful my darling. I'm so proud of you and everything you have achieved in the past couple of years. You're a strong and amazing woman that I'm extremely privileged to be friends and work with. I always believed in you and in your talent. Thank you for being the extraordinary partner and friend xxx

  2. We breathe love" this sentence will be in my mind forever.Great post.Thanks.


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