
Happy Monday. I hope you all had a great weekend.
For us fashion lovers, this is one of the best occasions with fashion week happening all over the great capital cities of the world, and it is happening right now, here in London. How exciting.
About today's post, what can I say, after praying for a white Christmas, that did not happen, I have to confess that I was a bit disappointed. I love snow. I guess growing up in a hot country like Portugal, snow has an ethereal appeal. So imagine my happiness when I woke up on the 3rd February to find a white blanket covering everything. I jumped out of bed and quickly put together a little outfit, a blush little number. I killed two trends in one, peach/blush very fitting for Spring and wearing a dress over trousers. I hope you enjoy the pictures.
Thank you for reading.
Outfit: hat, H&M; coat, Primark; trousers, Oasis; dress, Zara; shoes, Forever 21; fur collar, Accessorize.
Photos by Tatiana Brito Khan.
Virginia XOXO


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