On my backyard

Hi everyone, happy Friday. The last weekend before Christmas is finally here. Have you got all your shopping done yet? I still have some bits and bobs to buy and a terrible sensation that I'm forgetting something important... oh well, I'm not going to stress about it.
Since the beginning of my blogging days I have to say that today's post is the most unglamorous ever!!
Photo shooting during winter is always tricky, or it's raining or there's not enough light. And because I don't have a photographer available 24/7 I have to take advantage when an opportunity presents it self, and that's exactly what happened last week, my daughter Tatiana was at home when out of the blue, the sky cleared up and the sunshine came out, that's all I needed, a photographer and good weather conditions.
I grabbed my new knit sweater from H&M, flew down the stairs and BANG! Just like that we were photo shooting on the most convenient location. Yes, the mise en scene for this post was no other than my backyard. It was the easiest  most relaxed photo shoot  ever ! There was no make-up, no hair style, no high heels, just the winter sun and the most comfy sweater dress teamed up by my oldie moccasins boots. Once in a while it's nice to leave your hair down. I hope you like the photos. Thank you for reading.
Outfit: Sweater dress and socks H&M; Moccasins boots (old) Primark
Virginia XOXO


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