In The Rose Garden
Good morning. It's Friday, finally!
Today's mise en scene for our photo shoot is a Rose Garden at Morden Hall National Park, a beautiful place which blooms every Summer with the most gorgeous roses. It is a feast for the eyes, the perfect place for picnics with its own stream and all. Oh yes, please let me introduce you to my side kick for this post, Talullah, my youngest daughter. Just between you and I, I never thought that photographing a child would be so much hard work (they've got so much energy) but the final result was worth it.
So this is the forth blog post whereby I'll share five facts about myself with you, lovely readers and of course Talullah will share five facts about herself.
Enjoy the pictures.
Five facts about myself:
1. I'm a huge fan of the band Jamiroquai.
2. I named Talullah after a Jamiroquai title track from the Dynamite album.
3. I love music, and I have the most random taste, ranging from Classic to Rock passing through Rap to Pop.
4. I love flowers, but unfortunately I kill any plant that I try to grow (very sad).
5. I am constantly thinking about new projects, my mind never stops.
Five facts about Talullah:
1. She loves cats and dogs.
2. She's 6 years old.
3. Her star sign is Aquarius.
4. Her favourite cartoon is Teen Titans Go.
5. She is very shy.
Me: dress & shoes, Zara; flower crown, Claire's.
Talullah: dress, River Island; flower crown, Claire's; shoes, Primark.
Photos by Duane Levi Smith.
Thank you for reading.
Virginia XOXO
Lovely post!!! Now i know a little more about you and princess Talullah!!! Xxxx