Before Sunrise


Happy Friday everyone! I hope you all had a great week. I'm very excited about this week's post, because it's the first time that my home is actually the mise en scene for my story. Various things contributed for this to happen. I must confess that I'm a huge fan of Pinterest, and that I can easily lose myself  amongst all the inspirational boards. A couple of months ago I created a new Pinterest board called "Reading Nooks", I dreamed about having a reading nook in my home. Also I am what you call an early bird, I always wake up around 4am, yes, I know! And finally I read this quote "sitting by the window when it rains reading books that I will never be tested on painting, singing, dancing, kissing, cuddling, writing, playing, listening to my body falling asleep when I tire and waking up slowly with no place to rush to governed by love delighting in what pleases heart centered blessed grateful bliss", that's when I decided to take action and create my little oasis of calmness at home. I emptied the window sill in my living room of framed photographs and ornaments, bought three pillows, a blanket and hung an old net curtain, gathered all of my treasures (books, note books, candles, magazines, hand cream, camera, ipad and nail polishes) and I ended up with a perfect retreat. It's lovely, I get up when all the house is still asleep and surround myself in sweet solitude, alone time is so important, it allows me to distance myself from all the voices so I can hear myself. So, I've been enjoying my "me" time and allowing inspiration to come slowly and quietly during the early hours where I lose myself in a state of contemplation. Check my boards on Pinterest by clicking the link at the bottom of the page. Thank you for reading and I'll see you next week.

Outfit: trousers, H&M; lace top and nail polish, Primark; blue top, Market Stool.

Photos by Duane Levy-Smith via Major Frames
I would like to thank Duane for bringing all of his mobile studio which allowed this photo shoot to happen.

Virginia XOXO


  1. Absolutely beautiful ... I love everything about this post! Xxx


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