Berries at Breakfast

How gorgeous is this picture? I love berries. As a child I used to pick berries which I now do with my children. We definitely have a good time doing it and fortunately we do not need to go far as we have berries in our back garden. Here is a picture of our Blackberry Bush.

More than tasty, this fruit is really healthy. Rich in Vitamins, minerals and fibre. Here is some information you may not know about Blackberries.
1. Like spinach, raisins, plums, and grapes, blackberries are rich in bioflavonoids and Vitamin C, other nutritional benefits include a low sodium count and having only 62 calories to a cup.
2. The dark blue colour ensures blackberries have one of the highest antioxidant levels of all fruits. Antioxidants are well known for lowering the risk for a number of cancers.
3. Traditionally, the leaves and bark of the plant have been consumed. they have been used to treat mild inflammation of the gums and sometimes sore throats.

Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. Bearing in mind the nutritional value of blackberries I have prepared a healthy breakfast to share with you. It is really simple to prepare and delicious.
Pine Nuts

Enjoy your nutritious, healthy breakfast with a cup of tea or coffee and come back for more delicious recipes.
Thank you and leave a comment if you wish.


  1. I love your breakfast, it looks delicious... I must try it.
    Are you going to post more recipes?

    1. Hi Roger, thanks. Yes I'll be posting more delicious recipes. Watch this space. Virginia


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