Manicure in a Jar

Do you have a collection of jars sitting around in your kitchen? Well, I certainly have. Yep, I collect jars in the hope of putting them to good use or some project that I never actually fulfil. So if your jars have been sitting around collecting dust, you can pick up one of them for this week's Miminhos project. Jars are great for storage as well as packaging; it is not selfish for you, to love yourself or take care of yourself, so go on and indulge in a little me time. Gather your favourite nail polish and manicure essentials and put them altogether inside the jar. You can decorate the jar, as you fancy. The beauty of this is you can take your manicure jar wherever you want... in front of the t.v., garden or your room. Alternatively, you can make it as a present for a friend.

Thank you for reading. X Virginia


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